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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  April 16, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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near the fiiish line of thhe country's lddst marathon.what we kkow about the attaakk meggaddlibs 3 and the price of gold... is drrpping fast.hoo muc it's 3pit'sswoothhselling now. -llvv look boston -near scene of bosson maaatton
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, april 16th 33 33
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map 395 map ,3
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3& place or elebrrtion... toobe destruction mooday... fter two bombs went off near ttee &pfiiish line of theeboston mar definiiely ddvice hhre." - doctors treatinn the injured 3 ssy hey aaeeremooing metal this ssggestss hat the bombs 3 shrapnnl.ffddral authorities are calling tte bombingg a terrorist attack... but they the threat as fooeigg or r -
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&pdooestic.on monday... ppessddnn obamaavvwed to find "maae no misttak, we'll find out why they did tis. aay reeponsible groupss will feel justice."boston authorities justayythey found adddtional explosiiv devices that they diimantled. british pplicc re ttggteninn security ffr sunday's london &pmaraahonn the raceeis the ex for inteenationnl terrorisss. -& pollce say they are workiig with lonnon marathhn officials to review security planssafter the tragedy in boston yesterdaa. meenwhile... theeattack is drawing comparisons to the centeenial olyypic paak &pombin ssmmer olympics.33 ipe bbmmss were placcd under a benchh..
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2 people ied and 1-hundredd11 attacc.s weee injured in that - the effects of his... are -&b counnry... inccuding right here in balttmooe where city and sttte police re stepping up securityy security.meganngilliland is live in eeerallhill with more takiig this.usswe should bb good mmrning guyysbaltimore police aae ellinn us thht e will now see an iicreased &ppolice preseece all over the city... and expecially at &peventss hat will draw bigg ccowdd... including tniggt's &pprr loooing at upcominngce athletic races in the citt. there issno knnww threat ll -
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for te local ruunerssnow d - ttere were severrll undreds - marylanders that ttok art in the ace and manyyof their family meeberss wre there in unnversityystudent... plizabeth sypek.she snapped &pjust 18 inntes bbfore the e - paakground... wooldd oonnbe the ffcuu oo chaos. tte phonee: 20044..33 all of a - huue explosion went off.", a - elliabbthhsyyek, spectator (on & he phonn): 20.40.17 "on seeond they werr all tthre and the next second, there was all smoke aad we didn't see anyyodd."eeizabett sypek, spectattr (on the phone): p0.41.23 "you gotta be happy you llo gottaa tink of aal &pthe ppoppe who lost their mcgraah... was also thhee.we ttlkee to him on the phone wws ustt quartee mmle away from the finish linn hen it
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happened.he ttought it was celebrrtory cannnn fire foo patrioos day in oston at wasn't until the rush of first responners ttat &phe kkew somethinggwass eeribl &pwhile the invvetigation &pdeterminneexactly whht happened....our cityyllke mmny alert.stay with us... we''l shaae more local stories megan gillilann, fox45 morning news.
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,3 of the day.ddes theetragedy in bostto makk you earful of being near large ccowdss we'llltake your calls in our 7 o''llckk hur. yyuucannalso go to -foo-baltim us what you think... souuddoff tweet.. at foxbaltimore. us a the so called "rainntax" comee and anneearundel counties. 3&&pa new state law requires marrland's ten llrgest jjrisdictions o impose new storm wwter anagement feee... to heep reduce pollution that its tributaries.on monday... nd- &phomeowwers, non-profitss nd business ownerrsvooced theirr &pconcerns... aaout the they're alreadd taaed too muuhh
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p "ww wwo live in baltimore countyyare taxed to the hilt."> taxes are oing upp""< "" thinn people recognnze they need to improve the enviionnentt but we are jjstt pealing with steady stream in this sttte and i thiik asee ppople re just taxed anddfeedd to death."> those ees will cost coonny... - more on their annuul property - tax billl...and the averrge commercial propertt anywhhre from 4-thousand to 300-houuand dollars. 3 theevvlue of good is droppinn fast. pgool dropped nearly 10- perceet to below 14-hundred ddllars an uucc. the lowest price in more than pwo years .... anddthh drop is llcaa buuinesses. we visited an elllcott citt jeweler ... wwo says she decceass lass monday ... but numberr ootinuedd o drop. she's eeen &pher ggll fter seeing recent
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a big drop. thhnnii eaad ttat peeple weee selling off their &pgold and igg nvvetors were liitle peeple ike uss ttht's huge beeaass it puu a feerrin > eeerybbdy.> eweler the value will drop o 11- cominn up... llke new. kniiess.. cutting &pnew.conssmer eports reveals pheebest harpener n thh yyuure wwtchiig foo 5 morning nnes.. all local.. all morning. ((bump ut)) ((break 1)) p3
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this eekend. e sun!porr in -3 emily graaey joois us for hii moonings hometown hotsppt.- mooningselllus about pork in thk - what can we do?- whattccn wee? eat?
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pork in thee ark bbq festival more log on to foo baltiiore --3 dot com ssass morning. p3 3 ,3
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new yorr is sstpppng up securityyin times square... in the wake of esttrddy's attack at the bbstonnmarathoo.what residenns safe. and a rrcall oday... innolving aapopular brand oo apple juice.we'll tell you which brrnd is being pulled watching fox 5 morning news.. ((brrak 2)) a few extra minutes after hours of roasting seems...unimportant.
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but at hillshire farm, cooking a turkey is a delicate thing. right on the dot and the meat is silky and swimming in pan roasted juices. it's why every batch of our farm raised turkey
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turns a mere sandwich into something... wait for it...mesmerizing. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. 3 yyrk city is beefinn up tssew following the deadly ae... explosions at the boston arathon..he n-y-p-- says it's stepped up security at
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membbrs with couuterterrorism puties... as well as thh entire nnpd... have been mobilized as a precauuion... ploombeeg says: "here in nyc, we mmeddately took teps to a related attack. theree s of is gginggto happen, but we hin- haveetoobe prepared" &pexpertsssay its importaat or all aaeeicans to remainn 3&nnw lues ffr ppoice leeds to a dead enddin theekiinapping ripken's mother.these are photos of the sussect wanted in coonnction wwth the pidnapping from last july. ppisonnr seeking leniency who ssid heeáknewá the kiinapperr but after following up on thee the informmtion was bad. vi d gunpoint ann later released the same daa .... unharmed. p4-ouuceecontainers of olving -
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winn-dixie organii 00-percent appleejuiceethe producttis beeng recalled beeause it may is a by-product of molds... attn thattgrow in fruits and vegeeables. customers are aaked to rettrn he roduut to the store for a full rrfuud. 3ccoing uu.... a big announccment today... froo arylandds ownn alex len. wwat thh coolege parr centee is expeeted to mmke now. plln tt do aboutttoday's cials ight of yesteeday's aatack inn morninn nnws.. aal local.. all morniig. hey, what are you drinkin'? i'm drinkin' dunkin'. definitely dunkin'. you know, i need to get that jolt in the morning, but i want something good to do that. i love the aroma, i love the taste. you can't mistake the flavor. i run on dunkin'! america runs on dunkin' coffee. (michaewhich makes it harderpd and harder for me to breathe.
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i have a tip for you: if your doctor gives you 5 years to live, spend it talking with your grandchildren. explain to 'em that your grandpa's not going to be around anymore to share his wisdom and his love. i haven't figured out how to do that yet. and i'm running out of time. you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. ((bump nn)
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-3 todayyin ddc... a pprade and to markkemancipation ddy. aa lauren demarco explains... authoriiies sayythe events despite tte deadly explooions 3aae shaken the nation. hat 3((takeepkg)) precautions... in he wake of
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attack.the vent here innonn baltimore... that has police stepping up patroos átoday.á you're watchiig fox 45 morning morninn. l local.. aal -
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- federaa hill 33 &pp3
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map 395 map 3 we are coottnuing to follow a killed and 144 others f boston. injjred....after twin &pexplosions go oof wiihii ásecondssof each otherá... neaa the finish line of the boottn maaathon. mmraahonn""omething just bbew up. run!!go!" go!"among those killed... was an 8-yeaa-old child.the deadly their feet... and trigggred the blasts... describe the sed "i eerd a noise that i've never heard anyyhing as loud as that in my entire lifee and felt the ground shake llke rowd wwo wwre severlyye in the ssene toosee somethinn that a
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you'll see.""-&sse."doctors say the injured patientt will nned additiioal surreries in the are calling the bombinns a &phave not determineedwhether - the threat was foreign or domestic. he pakistani palibaandeniee any role in thee boobings at the boston maaathhn.. during a teeeppone call todayy .. &pffomman uunisclosed location ... the groops spokesmaa says they were not involved. the groupphas threatened attacks in the u-- and laimed responsibility for failed a car bombinn in times squareein speaking out against the s - of its alliance with the u-- the country. 3&the explosions at thh finish liin aar being felt around the world this mooring... incluuing right here in are stepping up security. pecurity.megan gglliland s &plive in ederrl hill riggt nn witt the latest on what pollce are askinn us all to do todayy
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good mornnng guyy,there's no &phigg alert... and iill gt to that in just a second... but thh message hey want you know riiht now... is thaa there is no kkown thrrattagaiist ourr to go bouu their normallday to. today..ith that said... you will see more police presence across baltimmre and expeeially at events that willl draw big crowds... including tonight'ssoriiles game. a spokesmaa said pooicee re athletic rrces in the city. there'ssno quession... we havee a big running ommunity ere. we talkee with the oonee of thh falls road running storee yesterday..he phoneetterr waas calling to cheek n....and nner3 &pothers calling tt heek in on pphooe ringg)20.18.40 "yeah,
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it's kknda crazy arounddhere wiit thii busiiess in boston." jim adaas, falls rrod running:: 20.17.33 "to haveesooething likk this go oof--has gottaabe realllyfrightening."ryan mmgrrth, runnerr(on the phonee: 20.1100 "it's just inccmprehhnsible. don'tt something like thhs."do - &pthis."that was marathonerrand described that final trrtch 3 of a race... the streett lined from the finish line when it &phappeeed.he hought the boobss weee celebratorr cannoonfiree aa first... it wasn'' untii while the investigation ders ccntinuus ii oston....too determine xactly wwat pappened....our city liie many others will remain on high alert.i'm megan gillilandd 3 3
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many peoppe in baltimore are sporting events....likk ngg - tonight's o's game agginnt bay. orioles spokesperson, greg by-derr ave us ttis statemeet ooncamdee yaads - ""e o not discuss ballpark e security measures in etail,, bbt majjrrllague baaebbll bbt majjrrlliih -l-b and local
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innrease securriy in tte wake of this incidentt"..theeo's are home foo 99straight startinn tonight. it's officiaa.marrlann center allx len... is leaving n-b-aa.enn ill forgg ii ffnaa two ears of eligibiliiy and maryland.... averrginn just &p- under 12 points and 8 rebounns last season... and led the a-c-c in bllcks with 78. &&p78. len will address the media in a formal announcemeet today... alonn withhhead coach mark ttrgeon.he is prrjected first roonder... and possible topp10 pickk still ahead... peeping knives sharp... for pearssto comm. comm..te most coomoo mistakk you're watccing .. in the 3 fox 45 mornnng news.. all
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((break 5)) ((bump in)) ((add ibbmeteorologist)) &p3- 3
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33 3- coming up...
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there's new information &pfatal car crash outtidd of city halllwhat we now know abou &pthe oriolls are doing tonight... to pay tribuue to 45 morning news.. all local..
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all morninn. 3&((break 6)) >> newwthis
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morning... there's nne infoomation today... n that outside of city hall last weee.- police have arrested ohnny johnson .. who lso gges by johhnyy dawson. he'' chaaged with manslaughher and homicide yyautooobiie .... along wiih other charges. officials elieev johnson was likely high when he loss control anddran down pity worker matt hersl. jjhnson's arrest came just packed up hersl's offfce. theeo's havv a ttibutt game. 3&ptte eeate hassdelayee to vo on a bipartisan un bill... until the end of the week.the &pmeasure would expand packgrrunn checks ffr all does not have the 60 votes needed to vercomeeg-o-p opposition.critics argue the backkround checks do little to prevent guu violence.
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halted when the two bombs went off near thh finish liie of people have died anddat least blasts. stacey cohhn iishere with the &platest n the attacks... and today..ooddmorning, stacey. 1) do we now any more about the victims? 2)
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whattabout travel in and out of the
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&pbostonnarea? 3coming up... 3&peep your knives... cuttingg peveels the besttsharrener on the market,,, ánnxt.áyou're wat all locaa.. all morning. ((bbeak 7))
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i know this great spot for eggs benedict. oh, yeah? where? here. dunkin' nailed it. didn't even have to wait for a table. dunkin's new eggs benedict sandwich is here. now you can enjoy ham, pepper-fried egg, and hollandaise spread anywhere. america runs on dunkin'. ((bumpp n))
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if your knives arrn't quite cctting it these ddys... -3pprh getting the edgeeoo ggory claims to makeeyour knives plke new. consumer reports checks it ouu. p (v/o)professional knifee sharpeeer marc rosemmn says sharp knives are a must in order to be able to slice a dice a&and choo food easily. nntsot: knife shhrpening)) &p(v/o))ut do you need a professional?(natsott sharpening)upper left chyron: infomercial (v/o)the
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pnfomerrial product - tte dge of glooy for 11.99 ppus shipping and handlinn - claims it'ssthe best kniff sharpener money can buy a&" (sot: infomercial)"iis jaw-hardened &pteeehhhone any blade to a bitteback ito youu dulllst knife.. (v/o))onsumer repoots' bernie deitrick had tt check it ouu. (sot: bernie deitrick) &ppi rounded up paars f knnves - one expensivee,onee inexpensiie, and one serrattd,, and thheni ulled onn f each pair."(v/o)then bbrnie used sharpen the dulled knives. afterrthat he siied and ddced all kinds of food, including oranges, dried saasage, tomatoee, ann carrots. left chyyoo::nfomerciil (v/o)and thee theeeewas thii claim a& ((ot: cceditt crd into a (sot: bbrnie eetrick)"though i wouldn't rrcommend it for the average chhf, i was ble to cut up a tomato with it." slice itt edge f glory isn't edges on the knnves. and wwhle and xpensive knives, it did a pne. chyyon: bernie deetrick consumer reports(tite)(sott "tte edge off lory actually
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sarpeneddthe heaper knivee better than the more xpenssvv re made of softer mettl, nives which shhrrens more easily." edge of gory, unless you want tt oo our ggests by uuing aa commng uppin our 7 o'ccock pour... tte best states... to maryland falls eer the top of phe list.youu'e watccing --nats offblass-
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blast-new developments this
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porning on the boston ombing.& about one f the viccims...and an expert weighs innon waa we should look out for.. going forward. 3 3 3 3&3 p3 jussin beiber... conceening his remarks on holocaust victim, anne rank. 33 3 33 tuesday,,april 16.
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&p 3 ,3 3 3 3
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3 in your top sttry this morning...a development in the boston marathon bombingg. &poo the 8 year old killed in m the blast...he's martin peoppe areeddad ... and bombs went off near theefinishh linn, monnay afftrnoon. bring whoever id it... to justice.docctrs trrettng the pettl debris from victims in the emmrgency room. experts ay this uggests the bombs ere designnd to scatter are calllng the bommings a
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haven't etermmned whether the threet was foreign or ooestic. "make noommstake, we'll find out whh thee did this.. ny ressonsiile iidividuuls, any resspnsible groups, wll feel the full weiggt of justice.""thhre are some verr severe ones and seeeso mann people come in so quickly wwth bad njuries like " that."boston aathorities saa they found additionall expllsiveedevicessthht they dismantled. to hear thhepresident's entire dismantled. to hear thhepresident's entire &doo commslash raw neww& aparttent complee in suburbaa &p iits not clear if it as &pccnnected to the boston pighh and a half hhors ccecking out an apartment. questioniig two men ann p.....but no one wws taken
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&pintt custody. k-9 uuiis, a bomb squad, the f- b-i, immigraaionnand homeland alcohol, tobacco and firearms theescene. ggogle hassa iteeto help yoo po t on our webbite. p just go tt fox newsliiks. so here ii what wee nnw, right . apart around 3- o' clock... - 3 kiiledd,hunnreds injured, pon't know if the ttack is but dismantled-thheffb-iiis taking the leaddinnthe wooking on active leadds are -- the effects of this... are beiig feet alllover the
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country... inccudinn rrght herr in baltimore where citty and state police re tepping up ecurity. seeurity.megan gilliland is &ptaking his. e should be good morning guyy,,alttmore arr teelinn us ttat we will nowwsee an innceased police -p including tonighh'' rioles gam. are ooking at pcommng lice while police are on high alert... we're told there ii areaa.. and evvryone in noomal day tooay.something that local runners ow returning
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&pseveral hundreds marrlanders that took part n the raceeand maay of tteir family members including loyolaauniversity stt snapped this photo of her father steve justt18 minntess street.those flagssin the .she backkround... would soon be the fcus f chhos. phe hooe): 20.40.03 "all f a suuden, across he tteet,,a &phuge explloion went off." elizabeth sypek, speetator (on seccnd they ereeall there and thh next seccod, thereewas all 20041.23 "you ottt be appy
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(llies)) today." lost their toody."local runner... ryan from the finish line when it - celebratorr cannon fire for - wrrng.e ssmething was terriblyy- wwhle the iivessigation others will reeain oonhiih - alert..tay with us... we'll coming up in 30 minutes.i'' 3 news. 3 pxtra preeauutonn because f g -
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yesterdaa'ss rrggc eeenns. events..ashinnton d-c'ssmayor, assiitance bosttn may even though the city's top speciiic threat tied toothis eevnt...some people ay... you tension innthe air. he - the cityys ususally aliveeand vibrant.. i mean you nervousness.oc: you can feel it. it. security has been iicreased.... peetivaalmmrring eeancipation and an 188heduled.3 cclllge was ii ccurt monnay. say neil macinnis opened fire rivvr vaalee mall friddy afternnon ..... njuring twoo dii not enter a plea during is fffcials ay he was a
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&pstudenn at the college .... &ppnd e bought thh shooggn pegally two daassbeforeethh ssooting. 3 an expprt on nne frann came to justin bieber's comment tthttcaussd some is - ponttoversyy áwouldá have likely beenna een 3 "beliiber" and a ttitter userr hier goes on o pay therres nnthing nsultinggp pouse ays they ere pleassd &pto hhve bieber viiit .... but ttat biebbr was full of him - are you looking to make your ggld?you may want to rethink your plan.the new low, the ppice of theeprecious metal.. has reachedd you're watchhng fox
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45 morning news.. all
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3- 3 p3 33 3 3 ((break 1)) porning. locaa.. all morring pews.. alllwatching fox 45 yyu're has reacced. precioussmetal.. has reached.. you'reewatccing fox 44 morring. news.. al local.. all ((breek )) 3 33
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3 33 pbama will be in marrlann. home! mmryland.. you're ((break 2))x 44 morniig ews.. 3
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it affects more (nthan just your health. i love to dance. that's something that i handed down to my family. i was pretty good at it too. before my doctor told me that secondhand smoke at work caused me to have asthma attacks, infections, and lung damage. and i never smoked. i can't work there anymore and i can't dance much anymore either. if you or someone you know wants free help to quit smoking, call
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1-800-quit-now. 3 new thissmorninn &p..... first
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lady michelle obama willlvisit &pthe uus naval acaddmy tomorro house. mms. obamaais presenning.. as gooernoo o'malley signs into employment act of 2011. for occupational and who apply - professional liccnses in the militaay trrining, education &puniiersities. &p ittalso creates an expedite liccnsing prooedure or who hold proffssional liceeses in other states. &p the next time to take ppecautton. the maryland's depaatment of natural rrsources is urging ssate resideett to uus caution ass ears areeemerging from outdoor items that may contain or smell like flood. that inccudes loccing garbage in a bearrproof rash &pcan .... keeping garbagg
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down bird feeddrs ... and ootdoor grilll. 3the value of gold is dropping &pfast...just yeeterday, it droppeddalmmot 10 percent to below 14-hhndded doollr an's the llwest price in mooe than two ears. &p3 enjoy bbq nyway you like..listtn to ccmpetiiioos. pork in hh pprrk bbb festival starts this weekend. emily gracey joins us for ttis morningsshometown in the park.- whattcaa we do?? what can we eat? pork ii the park bbq festiiaa salisbury llarn mooe loo on toofox baltimore pdt com slash morning..
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3passachuseets.... is listed as one offthe bess taaes to prise youu kidd..ind out he other states....ranning high asswell. weighssin on the ragic bostonn marathon attaccsswhat we marahhuld look for... going forward. ou''e watching ffx 5 morning news... all local.. all morning.. ((breea 33) hey, what are you drinkin'? i'm drinkin' dunkin'. definitely dunkin'. you know, i need to get that jolt in the morning, but i want something good to do that. i love the aroma, i love the taste. you can't mistake the flavor. i run on dunkin'! america runs on dunkin' coffee. we believe it can be the most valuable real estate on earth. ♪ that's why we designed our newest subaru from the back seat forward. introducing the all-new, completely restyled
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subaru forester. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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is it wrong to buy to match your mani-pedi? shop like a fashionista. not if you find something amazing for less than the price of it. save like a maxxinista. designer brands at t.j. prices. t.j.maxx. &p((bump in)) (((pat))) bostoonis explosions at theefinish linn dead . more than a 140 thers invvstigators are trying to maae sense of what happened. dr tyrone powers ... diiector of tte homeeand communiiy college.-thh fbi iss taaing the lead on this ...
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investigation-so any bags and backpacks .. howwdo yoo find find one backpacks .. hhw you suspicious-what willlthh
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tell you-could be yeerssbefore aa arning from the f-d-a connerning.. dieeary supplement. supplemmnts...thh dangerous that's makkng severallpeoope'rr watching fox45 morning neww..all loccl....ll morning.. poston information onnthe ssarch for those responssble.on fox 5
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news at 5. 3
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&p -weather app explainer at desk
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3 - map jim map 3
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we'rr continuinn our coveragee injured.onn offtte victims wass- aa eight yearrolddboy.. who richard.two other people were richard.hose iijured lost limbs the man was
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covered ith evidence of the waan you... it may be pisturbing toosome of you. --sott-"your sleeve tere, is thht bbood on the your sleeve?"3 flag as hooding the whole tiie and ttis is howwthh ffag blood al thhs victim."" hospital staff &psays at least eight of the injured patients are children. and a 78- year-ood man was jjsttabout to crrss the finish line of the exppossonn forced him off his as the veteean maraahoner ten -3 describes what the momeet wws i got down toowiihinn about 15 feet of the fiiishhngg apron aad jjst tremeedous explosion, sounded like a omb
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the shock wwves justthit my whole body ann my legs jjst ssarted ittering aroond. i knnw i was going downn is claasifying the bombings aa a terrorist attack. it's ot cllar whether the origin wws domessiccoo ffreign. thoughtt aad prayers for the victims of thh boobbigg at the booton marathon are coming in ffom as far as the international space station. phdfield posted this picture on twitter ssowwng boston pwwettd his crew waatee to 3tte explosions aa tte finish &pworld this mooniig... including right here in baltimore where local police are stepping up security. sscurity.meggn gilliland is in &pasking us all to o ttday. that brinns us to our question &pus all to do today. that brings s to our question
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pf the daa.doos the tragedy in bossoo make yooufearffl of give us a call ? p10-481-4545. 3 call 410-481-4545. fox45 digiial -s first to kkow about the explosionnsin boston.
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&pstore.... earrh for "wbff" teenager diis after being hit by a car n happened ffiday niggt at mountain and alvin rrads. roads.police say 15-yeaa-old ood girls ere walking on the t them... and then kepp going. trauma.officers are lookingghoc- ttis one.they say it should havv damage to the passenger side heedlight. there's new innfrmation today... oo that fatal car crash that happened outside of p police ave aaresstd johnny johnson ... who also goes by johnny ddwson. heesscharged with mnslaughher and homicideebyyautomobiie &p officiils believ johnsoo ws likely hiih when &phee ost controlland rrn down pitt worker mtt hersll "whee thattcar came flyinn, we
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&pheard the screeching i turnee arounn, thht car waa airborn. faith that the ppocess will take care of itself.and were &pinna loving way ur brothee johnson's arrest came just two hours after faaily members packed up hersll' offiie. the &phim at tooight's game.ed for - the next time you thhnk about takingg you may want to holl off. thh f-d-a has a ew warning for commonly found dimethlamylamine. a natural way to enhance ed as - but the agency says d-m-a-a 3 can cause increaaed blood pressure, shortness of breaah, &pchees tighhening,, deaths associated with d -3
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produuts cootaining d-m-aaa. iffyouurre to rrise your child ... a new study says new jersee is the place tt go. according to the foundation jersey as thh bbst eccnomic conditions, health, educaaion, maasachusetts - maasachusetts came in second &pfollowed byynew hampshhre, utah nn connecticut. ut tte 3 states with the worse scorrs re neww mexxco, mississippi, andd louisiana. the states that had more funddng n - -3 rain showerr are moving in. out thaa umbbella.. cooiig up
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&pnext. you''e atchhng ((break 5)) &p
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hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. ((aa lib meteorologist))
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3 3 3- 3
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33 the ragic events at tte boston marathon..haveemany peoole on edge,,this &pso weere asking you... doess this maae ouufearfullof being neer large crowdd? open oo.. 410-481-4544. you'rr watthing fox 45
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((queetion of day animation)) attacks.becauue the event this maae yoo farful of oes - places iithlots of people??orr 481145455es are open now.. 4100 alee- glen burrie burnie ravees pradeeand at opening
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day. you're foolishhnot to happen. it has already happened in schools nd movie theaters. peoppe eed to be smart about this." this."breena says ... pear, but instead i'lllccose believv thaa hat's meant to be wiillbe.' coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. huge snails.. ttking over parrs of florida...the major ppobllm theyyre causing ffr dri. privers. you're ((bump in)) 3
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teens... hit haad by the job ur- market...even beforeethey pnter ii!find out whyy hey're having such a ard timee.. hearing ""ou'reehired."
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i know this great spot for eggs benedict. oh, yeah? where?
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here. dunkin' nailed it. didn't even have to wait for a table. dunkin's new eggs benedict sandwich is here. now you can enjoy ham, pepper-fried egg, and hollandaise spread anywhere. america runs on dunkin'. "sommthhig just blew up. run!!g"
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go!"a deedlyyterror attack paases chaossat the bosttn the f-b-i is investigating this morninn. stepping up seccritt... at llcal events.the increaaed & the ppice of gold... is wooth an ounce... aaddwwether it's even worrh selling now. 3 3 3
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&pessdy, april 16tt 3&
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3 p3 federrl authorities are mmrathon. ible for yesterddy's tom rodgerr is here with more also has your ooher top storiis. stories. just hhurs after the explosioo... which killed pomplex in a nearbyysuburb.e
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suburb.officers were thhre for about eight and a half hourr checkiig out an apartment. questiining two men and ..... but no one was taken - into custody. there's also &pword this morniigg f a so-caaled peeson of interest... aayoung saudii national... but iivestigators &pthere are noosussects. ppeeiient obama, meantime, promissd aation. obama ays: "we will finn out who diddthhi.. e wwll find responnible grouus will feel y rrpresentatives from the e.""- national counter-teerorism &pcenter will be briefing somm heaaily armmedpoliie officers patrol boston's righam and victims of the explosiion are y3 ppople are reported to be in critical condition this
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morning.aadoctor sppke out about the typps of injuries he's seeingg walls says: "so we're seeing injurree thaa are typical &pblast typeeinjuriie. the kii of injuries that come from an explosive or concuusive orce like his. soo atients have pverrthing from minor... sort pff.. ear drum ttpe bllsts all the way thhough to reaaly &pone of the three victims &pkiiled in thh lass this morning.officialssconnirm 8- country.baltimore pooiceeare telling us that we will now &pdraw big crowds... innluding toniggt's oriolee game. ggme.there were several hundreds marylanderssthat took part in he race anddmany of therr in suppoot.including
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loyola univeerity student... elizaaeth sypekkshe snapped aa phhtt f hhr faaher steee juut 18 mmnutee before he irst was itting uss across the street.those flags in the background... would plizabeth sspek, spectator on sudden, aaross the street, aa huge explosion went off." the phone): 20.40.17 "one &psecond ttey were ll ttere an thh ext second, there was ll nnbody."elizabeehhsypek, ppectator (oo the phone): 20.41.23 you gotta be happy for mm daa who finished...buu the people wwo lost heirr &p(llves) today." mcgratt... was lso there.ww talked to him on the phone shoottyyafter the blastt.he ffom the finish lne when it aw happennd..e thought it was celebratory cannon fiir for rush of first responderss hht he knew sooething was terriblyy wrong. if you mmy still &pwhh was in boston yesttrday ... the mayor's office has set peesons.
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call 617- 665- 4400 o locatt ttem. a u-- mmrine &phelicopter taking part n a drrll in south krea made aa pard landing neaarthe north's b. pentagon says 15 of the ppople on board during tooay's hard landiig havv been released &pother six aae in stable he - coodiiioo.. looking in to he cauus. the annual ddillssby south korean and u-s forces have upset north korea, as they have done in previous years. pyongyang has &psuggessed the routinee the month, are eqqua tt a declaration oo war. 3a daacare worker in ohio is mulliissii charged with assault... after aa alleged cincinnati. prrsecutors say mullins bit thhe5-yeaa ldd iffconvicted... she faces p -
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to six months in jail. it isn't too often you see caaera....fixxng a center linn phat was laid down turnssout it's a temporaryy center linn made from tape... - roaddwas repavee.the construction company says the pemmorary lines onlyyseevv as a lane divider... and are not required to be straight. new tape.rning... to rrapply -3 ,3 forget seevinn to avoid
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in florida... driving ooer giant african nnilsslikk and they're nowwbecommng a big &psnailsscan ggow ssbig as rats... and carry a parasite.experts suspectt he snails got toothe u-s... by incooing traveler's luggage. &ptrappers are now moving fast pcoming up....taking your kids... and your work out... to the playground. playground.tte exercisee that the great outdoors. you're atthing ffx 45 morring news.. all local.. all morrnng. ((bumm out)) ((break 1))),
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i've had diabetes since (billi was a little kid. and i used to smoke. that's a bad combination. but if you're doing that, i've got a tip for you: make a list. put the people you love at the top. put down your eyes, your legs, your kidneys, and your heart. now, cross off all the things you're okay with losing because you'd rather smoke. you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. 3&follow youu nose tt the park.
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pork innthe park bbq festival starts this weekend. emilyyggacey jjins us for thhs pornings hometoon hotspot.-
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tell us about porkkin the park.- what are some of the featured activittes?--what cannwe eet? 33 porr in theepark bbq fessival
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runs april 19th thhough 21st salisburr learn more og on to ffx baltimore 3 3 3
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33 33
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,3 p3 -3 cominnguu... ihanna cancels
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áagainá.theetouu ate that she's scrapping due to iilness.. and the criticism multi-ttsk... during youu next rip o the park.the exercises you can do... whill ppayground..ou're waaching ox 45 morning news.. all locall. all morning.
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3 ((bbmp n)) as tte weaaher your next workout in the park. paak workouts can be just as beneficial assgym workouts. workoutt.danny ee from gold's gym s streaaing now or get work out in the paak?- how can we work - how can we work put in the park?- how long should workouts should we do??- whht
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do youuhaae 3qqestions about your workout?
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danny leeeis joinnng us during good day baltimore to shhw us yoor questions.meanntme, you pannsend us a tweet or post poor question on our facebooo page. &pcoming upp.. fighting... for summer job. job..he surppising competttion teens around tte ccuntry aae acing.around tte ccuntry aae kim kardassian takes onnher ex... ii court.the llggl victory she scored... when he diin't show're watching fox 45 mornnng news.. all local.. all morning.. ((break 3)) ((bump in))
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a reality staa's ourtrrom ddamm cootinues...a oo star fflls ill.... and a comeeiaa
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saas drrnk ddivvng ii no pssraaged husband kris hr hian - time by missing a ettleeent eharingglass week... ttorneyss for both sides were in court yesterday where a judge ruled thattkim doessnot ave tt turn over her emaill. shes een in a hurry to ggt eh divorce overwwih beeore she hhs humppries family as annoyed &pmaking a mockery of the s -3- ccurt in mayy.. where a long -3 &pkim's mom and manngement team will be ready to testify... siin im out of her life... -3 rihanna has caancled anothee date onnher
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phis time in houston... thii is the third time, you know she reechedlued shows here nd she wass"sick" i know she hhs smokinn... shes been hanging - &plately... and managemenn must've sttppeddin and toll her to quit pooting pictures offher smoking whill on tour...but justtbb shh's not posting it, doesnt ean sses nto doing it... ttz caughtther last week..puffing.. and shes grrwn and ccn o as she pleases...but we'd alllagrre that a singer puttinn that &pkinddof train on her vooce almost not helppng if she makes it to bbltimore -3
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nexx week ffr hhrrrescheddled &pdiamonds tour... funnyman kevii hart hhs anded morning after driving 90 mph go only did he fail ield sobriety tests.. he took to the inttrnet to poss about it... sayinn ,,"whenn he cop asked meett take the sobriety timee& i'm drunk man'a&... - he came to his senses and said ""rinking & driving is noo gaae or a aughing matter," he wrote. "people haveelost ives &pbecause of sttpid stuuf [like everythiig haapens for a fr reason. & tiger woods' new boo's x isnt after his loss oo the green. o -
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over the weekendd.. tiger wooosswas assessed a penalty...but it was nly nnticed after a viewwr called in... lindsay vonn's ex used it againss it... in a super sarcastic message hh says... happy to caal n and hlep... you always haae to keep an eye onnttose cheatees... smiley &plooks ood on anybooyy.. how ray j looked last week.... no esponseefrrm tiger r linnsay... coming up... two blasts... marathoo.---exxlosion nats--- nats---tte differenn leads iinulging in a cold one.
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how the taste of beer maa impact how qquccly it takes a get're pwtching fox 5 morning news...
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((open)) p,33
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3 map 195 ap 3
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3 the hite house is descriiing the bosson maaathonnbombing as . terror.tom rodgers is here with more on the possible peads they're also has the morning's other ttree peopleeareeddad and ddzens more still reccvering following monday's explosion near the finish line of thee ---explosion nats--- naas--- theef-b-i and bostoonpolice arr teeling annone tt call thee with deeermine who issbehind thee act of terror. they say phat no lead... isstoo small. so farr.. innestigators have questioned a saudi national people... while reportedly bommings.accorring to a fedeal perly 20's... and innthe with authooities... and s ing - ánotá being desccibed assa ssssect. davii said "..i want tt stress one thing. there is no suspect at brigham and woman's
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that we areetalking to, but, therreis no suspect aa brrgham and womaa's hhspital as has ppess..i'd like t fix that - one right now." now." police aaso a hooe n the boston suburbs town of revvre.....after been ddivinngpaat the staae ad police barrackksseveraa times. f-b-i to this home. it's theyyre not ssying if they made any arresss. iniiial eeidence indicctes the twii bbmbings at marattoo were not detonated bb n suicide boobers. that's accorriig to a eurooeenn security officiaa who spoke official ddd say that it is ptill too early to koo ffr sure.. the boobs blew other. odayymajor leaders from aaound the worll are australii and taiwan also gave 3
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their condolences. gillard says: "australia what is a great eventtknown - around the world and one people participate in to have pun as their &pfamilies and friends watch on the imagesswe've seen hhve been ruly shockkng ones nd ourrthoughts today are wiih those whoohavv losttloved ones,,our condolences gooto thhse whoohave lost amily and anddout thoughts are also with yoshihide sugg also spoke oot... offering quote - "heert incident." local police are on high alert &pthis morning... but the message thee're sendinn known threaa againnt ouu see more police presence
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especiallyyat eventt drawing poooing at pcoming athletic o with the owner of theefalls theebombs went off right after 3 yesterday... heer the ppone was inging off the hook. (phone rrngs)20018.40 yeeh, - with this business in boston.. p0.122.02"umm, yeah, he is ok." 20.17.33 "to haaeesomething like this go off--has ggtta be mcgrath, runner oo the something liie thiss"do t - thhs."thht was marathooer ann on the phone.he was just a th - quarter mile away from the fiiishh ine when the &pexxlosions appenee.heethough ccnnon firr at first... itt - responders thatthh knew somethhng was terribly wronn. foo45 digital subssribers were going to yyur pp store.... t 3 searrh for "wbff" to download
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the valuu of ggld is dropping fast. perccnnt o below 144hundred dollars an ounne. the lowest price in mooeethan hurting some alreedy fragile ss3 we visited an ellicott city decrease llsstmonday ... but got nervous friday when she predicts huudred ddllars an ouncee a sour job market it! teen unemployment tops 24-percentt typically went to ttees, are by older -- educaaed -- worrers. workers.. 753- thhusand bachelor's degrre or higher, - according toogovernment data. the taste of beer..
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prunk .... accordinggto reseaac. &presearchers. aasociated with drinkkng mayy prain causiig a craving for more llohol. they &pstudded nearly 50- mee who pere given about half an ounce of their usual beer... and tten he same amount of gatooaae. coopared to ffavvr significantly increased a man's desire too rink. p scientisttevvn discovered that when drinkinn dopamine which issassociated brain. e pllasuressof the coming uu... a suspected thiee... swallows his loot. origiial ownerris now trying tooget the itee... off is yyu'reewatching fox 45 mmrning morning. ((bbeak 5)) what's that?
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it's new kool-aid liquid. squirt some into water and boom. kool-aid. but, you are kool-aid. well people get freaked out when you drink from your own head. like, real freaked out. [ male announcer ] smile. it's kool-aid.
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[ male announcer ] smile. geico and we could help youo save on boat and motorcycle insurance too. other insurance companies are green with envy. oh, no, no, no...i'm sorry, but this is all wrong? i would never say that. writer: well what would you say? gecko: well i'd probably emphasize the savings. ya know...lose that green with envy bit. rubbish. it's just a reference about my complexion. writer: but the focus groups thought that the... gecko: focus groups. geico doesn't use focus groups. uhh...excuse me. no one told me we were using focus groups. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. 3(ad lib meeeorologist))
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3 &p3
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coming up... hit he green... wwth some of your favorite celebrities.hoo you can tee uu... will helping a good
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and new at 9... a bbg pnnnuncement from singer faith longerrbe doing....ssarting &pthis fall. you're ((breakk6)) all morninn..
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trr your strrke on tte green oo watcc some of your favoritt empowerment celebrity gglf ith - &pformer harlem globetroottr chooosmith oins us this &pgolfftournament?- wwo will it proceed?- how can we get &ptouunament?mmy will you be
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slass mornnng. more ot com
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piecc f jewelry... goes own thh hatth. hatch.heesaas what ring?" like a magician allost. almmot.what one bussness haa thattsurvived digestion.riig -3 3and new at 9... itts the &preturn of the cicadasswhyy oo mighhtwant to keep an eye on preepy, crawwy bugs makeea return. youure watching fox 44 morning ews.. all local.. all morninn. 3 p re-emerged as evidence. jeenne
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moos digestt theedetails. detaiis. tte diamond ring went downn he hatch as if it werr a was like o ig deal, he just weet liie pop. 52-year old ronald erley had comeeintt bbllman's jewelry shoo n olted for the dooo only to when the saleswooan said "we it.he saas "what ring?" like a magician allost.policc arrivvd within iiutes. next stop, the hoopital.(standdup))police had
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sussect. ww cannt show you the peideece. but jjwelry storr own ring was "clear as ddy." this xxay fromma book calledd &p""suck uu: 100 objects places thee shouldd't be." &pinstead of eing plugged in a outlet, there's aacord in some guyyssrear crack pipp. and wwo could s, forget the bank robber who note. at least that ad fiber. to resurface.i guess at some 3 &ppuuled one oo the guards asid and said i'm reedy to produce the evidence. policc bbought good actually. good enougg to pear?well..oo eat!the
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322hundred dollar plastic price ag wws still attached. so what dd yyu do with a ring poing to auction ii off for charity.the ppns havv been uupardonable. we know bbcause we're guiltt of punning &pthat may nevee lead to "i do." i oodo.(laughs) perlee has been chargee wiih felony theft andd alsifying evidence.(stand up) e're imagining a new ad cammaign. "bellman's... jeanne moos cnndiamonds are cooiig up on gooo daa announcemeet today... from maayland's oww,,alex len. enter is expected to make'rr watching ffox45 mornnng.
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